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1984 - George Orwell Simple: Nineteen Eighty Four is a book everyone should read. Not because it should be classified under non-fiction, nor because it explores entirely new aspects of human nature, and nor even because of the breathtaking imagination of George Orwell, but because of the simple fact that if we want to “survive,” it can be crucial for our survival and of our world as we know it.

One of my favorite books is The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky. I believe that human beings are capable of doing what Dostoyevsky outlined and the world would be a far better place if they do. I can surmise that it is my favorite book because it talks about the world as I want it and think that it should be. But the perfect world can be entirely different for each and every one of us, and that's why I don't see as a necessity for everyone to read that book. But 1984 talks exactly about the opposite and in this lies the reason why I think everyone should read it: it talks about a world surely enough nobody wants to live in. Dostoyevsky’s world can be realized with enormous effort, whereas Orwell’s can be realized when no effort is done to change it from what it has become.

Readers of the book can argue that a world like that of the book would never be realized, given the “civilized” state we live in. I disagree and my counter argument is that the world the book discusses is imminent if not already here. Every tool of surveillance Orwell is talking about has an equivalent in our world today; The characteristics of Newspeak can be found in at least all the languages I speak; Every act of deception he talked about has been performed in some countries around the world if not in all of them. In short: everything he talked about is relevant to the our world more than anything.

One of the most interesting parts of the book is that of language. It shows how alteration of language can consequently alter thought and how for example the use of adjectives is crucial for being creative and able to use one’s imagination. Orwell also points out that the “simplification” of language affects the mind and its ability to think objectively.

Another interesting topic here is emotion. The book is filled about how emotions evolve and how someone can control them within oneself and others. In astonishing and smart prose, Orwell elucidates the means by which it is possible to erase love, plant hatred, induce respect, and even kindle belief of an idea. The book also recognizes the importance of sex along with other human instincts, such as the longing to be free, in shaping societies.

I think the book deserves more than the buzz it gets, along with its author. He was one of the smartest people I met in literature and reading this book was definitely one of the best reading experiences I’ve had.